



更新時(shí)間:2016-07-08 14:57:05點(diǎn)擊次數:1371次
濟南家政談到懷孕之后媽媽們有可能不小心患上感冒或者其他疾病,不過(guò)濟南月嫂提醒大家孕婦是不能隨便用藥的,所以媽媽們一定在這方面會(huì )感到困惑和頭疼。

濟南家政談到懷孕之后媽媽們有可能不小心患上感冒或者其他疾病,不過(guò)濟南月嫂提醒大家孕婦是不能隨便用藥的,所以媽媽們一定在這方面會(huì )感到困惑和頭疼。妊娠后,孕婦體內酶有一定的改變,對某些藥物的代謝過(guò)程有一定的影響。藥物不易解毒和排泄,可有蓄積性中毒,在孕早期胎兒器官形成時(shí),藥物對胎兒有一定的影響,故感冒最好不吃藥。但一些疾病本身對胎兒、母親的影響遠遠超過(guò)藥物的影響,這時(shí),就應權衡利弊,在醫生指導下,合理用藥。
Jinan housekeeping introduce cold medicine mostly compound preparation, containing a variety of ingredients, a common quick cold capsules, Ganmaotong, Contac, white with black, Kang must gram sense of health, crack, etc. Most of these drug-containing groups amine drugs should not be taken during pregnancy, especially pregnant four weeks ago, cold medicine is mainly symptomatic medication, palliatives, pregnant women are not safe medication, so I recommend that pregnant women do not have the best cold medicine.
Jinan housekeeping comes to antiviral drugs, there are adverse effects on the fetus, pregnant women is not easy to use, if you must use, should be under the guidance of a doctor.
Jinan housekeeping remind cold accompanied by high fever, indicating more severe illness should see a doctor promptly. Indomethacin is contraindicated in pregnant women antipyretics, aspirin after 32 weeks of pregnancy should not be used.
Jinan housekeeping introduce cold as pregnant women not clear evidence of bacterial infections, such as tonsillitis, high blood pressure, cough yellow sputum, tears streaming concentrated, can not antibiotics. Because antibiotics can act on the fetus through the placenta, 20% -40% chance of a hazard to the fetus, should, under the guidance of a doctor, choose safe antibiotics.
Jinan housekeeping Speaking expectorant, cough medicine tend to be more secure, but iodine preparations cough medicine, pregnant women should not use. In the anti-inflammatory drugs, the penicillin is the safest choice for the anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, is really so within three months of the inflammation of the tonsils, and really the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, we preferred penicillin. Followed by cephalosporins, which belongs to the class B, they can all be used.

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