



更新時(shí)間:2016-07-08 14:52:15點(diǎn)擊次數:1386次
濟南保潔介紹若在室內進(jìn)行,可把毛巾浸濕后擰干,鋪在沙發(fā)上,再用木棍輕輕抽打,塵土就會(huì )被吸附在濕毛巾上。一次不行,可洗凈毛巾,重復抽打即可。另亦可將沙發(fā)搬到室外,用一根木棍輕輕敲打絨面,將落在沙發(fā)上的塵土打去,讓風(fēng)吹走。

濟南保潔談到床上常落有浮灰,若用刷子刷,會(huì )使其四處飛揚,這不僅污染室內空氣,而且對人體健康不利,可將舊腈綸衣物洗凈晾干,待需要除塵時(shí)拿它在床上依次向一個(gè)方向迅速抹擦,由于產(chǎn)生強烈靜電,會(huì )將浮塵吸附其上,如同干洗一次,效果極佳,省時(shí)省力。用過(guò)幾次后,將它洗凈晾干后可重復使用。
Jinan cleaning often comes to bed down there floating dust, if with a brush, it will make flying everywhere, not only pollute the indoor air, but also detrimental to human health, can be used acrylic wash clothes dry, dust when need be to take it turn quickly wipe in one direction on the bed, as a strong static electricity, dust will adsorbed thereon, as dry time, excellent results, saving time and effort. After using several times, it can be reused after dry cleaned.
濟南保潔介紹若在室內進(jìn)行,可把毛巾浸濕后擰干,鋪在沙發(fā)上,再用木棍輕輕抽打,塵土就會(huì )被吸附在濕毛巾上。一次不行,可洗凈毛巾,重復抽打即可。另亦可將沙發(fā)搬到室外,用一根木棍輕輕敲打絨面,將落在沙發(fā)上的塵土打去,讓風(fēng)吹走。
Jinan introduced when cleaning in the room, can wring the towel after laying on the couch, and then stick gently whipped dust will be attracted to the wet towel. No one can wash towel, then repeat the beat. Another sofa can be moved outdoors, with a stick tapping suede, the dust will fall on the couch fight to make blown away.

Jinan cleaning is recommended to be white, tent, clothes, if grime more available white radish decoction to wash, you can decontamination cleaning, white as usual.

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