



更新時(shí)間:2016-07-08 14:53:59點(diǎn)擊次數:1319次

濟南月嫂談到剛生產(chǎn)完寶寶的孕婦,最重要就是要恢復身體了,也就是坐月子了,坐月子這段時(shí)間是非常關(guān)鍵的,新媽媽由于分娩后體內激素水平大大下降,新生兒和胎盤(pán)的娩出,體質(zhì)從內熱變成了虛寒,所以產(chǎn)后的第一周飲食是很重要的,如果注意到飲食問(wèn)題的話(huà),那么會(huì )很好地進(jìn)行調理的。

Jinan Yuesao analysis inedible raw, cold, hard food. New Mummy postpartum physique is weak, poor resistance, easy to cause gastrointestinal diseases such as gastroenteritis, the first week postpartum try not to eat cold fruit, such as watermelon, pears and so on.

2、濟南月嫂談到不宜快速進(jìn)補,以免得不償失。新媽咪大多乳腺管還未完全通暢,產(chǎn)后前兩三天不要太急著(zhù)喝催奶的湯,不然漲奶期可能會(huì )痛得想哭,也容易得乳腺炎等疾病??梢院鹊皽?、魚(yú)湯等較為清淡的湯,湯也不要過(guò)咸。
Jinan Yuesao not talking about fast tonic, in order to avoid more harm than good. Most new mom breast duct is not fully open, the first two or three days postpartum lactation Do not rush to drink soup, milk or rose cry of pain may also susceptible to mastitis and other diseases. You can drink a bowl of soup, fish soup was light soup, soup nor salty.

3、濟南月嫂介紹食物要松軟、可口,易消化、吸收。很多新媽咪產(chǎn)后會(huì )有牙齒松動(dòng)的情況,過(guò)硬的食物一方面對牙齒不好,另外一方面也不利于消化吸收,因此產(chǎn)婦的飯要煮得軟一些,少吃油炸或堅硬帶殼的食物。
Jinan Yuesao introduce food to be soft, delicious, easy to digest and absorb. There will be many new Mummy postpartum loose teeth, the excellent food on one hand, bad teeth, on the other hand is not conducive to digestion and absorption, and therefore mothers cooked rice should be soft, and eat less fried or hard shelled food.

Jinan Yuesao reminded to smaller meals, with meat and vegetables should be. Soups spend more food, which will help breastfeeding, milk secretion is the new Mummy postpartum increased demand for water one of the reasons, in addition to most pregnant women sweat more, evaporation of water surface is also larger than usual, and therefore more soup, porridge.

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